History of train


Humans came to know the power of steam around the year 100AD. From this era evolution of the train started. In today's time, we have all types of trains, whether it is a steam run train or bullet train. The history of the train is very interesting. In 1705 Thomas Newcomen of England made a steam engine that was used to drain out water from coal mines. This engine consumed a lot of fuel. In 1765, James Watt developed an improved steam engine. It was fitted with automatic valves. There was a piston in this engine that would move up and down. In 1803, Robert Fulton used a steam engine to people a boat. It was in 1820 that George Stephenson of England made the first steam engine in the real sense of the train. Even though it was heavy but still good. By 1938 rail engines had undergone tremendous improvements. In 1912 diesel engines were made which reduced the importance of steam engines.

In today's life, we have all types of trains whether it is a steam engine train, electric train, magnetic elevated train of France, or fastest train of the world (Bullet train) of Japan.


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