How was bicycle invented?
The invention of the wheel is one of the greatest inventions of mankind. After the invention of the wheel, mankind has tried a lot to invent something new.
The first bicycle was made by Baron Van Das of Germany in 1817. He named this bicycle'Draisin' after his name. It had 2 wheels in the front wheel there was a handle. A cyclist would ride it and push his legs against the ground to move forward. The front-wheel was provided to negotiate turns.
Baron Van Draise and his Draisin
In 1840 Macmillan made some improvements in this cycle. He added peddles on the back wheel.
In 1865, Lallement developed a cycle having peddles on the front wheel. People called it 'Bone Shaker' because a rider of the cycle used to get big jerks.
Lallement's cycle
Finally, in 1885 the safe bicycle of today was developed.
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